Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Governors

Governor Page

On behalf of our governing body, we would like to welcome you to Crownfield Infant & Nursery School.

The Governing Body meets at least once a term. If you would like to contact the chair or a member of the governing body, please contact the office for their email address. 

 Governing Board July 2024.pdfDownload
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 Crownfield Infant School Declarations.pdfDownload
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 Governor's Allowances.pdfDownload
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Governor's Attendance 

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 Constitution-CrownfieldInfant .pdfDownload
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 Crownfield Infant Instrument of Goverment.pdfDownload
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Pecuniary Interests

All governors have to declare any business or financial involvement which in any way could be associated with their work as a governor at Crownfield Infant & Nursery School. All of our governors have declared they have no pecuniary interests.

 Chair of Governors

Julie Miller

Julie has been a governor for Crownfield Infant and Nursery School for 18 years, holding the position of Chair for the past 14 years. Julie is married and has two sons, both of whom attended Crownfield. Julie says she is very proud to be part of a fantastic team of Governors who are supporting the school to ensure your children have the best education, whilst also enjoying school life.  She commented on the dedication of both school staff and Governors and loves being able to come into school to support where necessary.


 Vice Chair of Governors 

Jack Hylton 

Jack was born into a theatrical family. He was educated at Colet Court and St. Paul’s School and started work in 1964 as an Assistant Stage Manager at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Since then Jack has worked around the world as a freelance stage manager, tour manager and general management for International Concert and Theatre Tours as well as producing for television. In his spare time Jack organises and operates charity firework displays for schools. Jack retired in 2016 and since then he has been employed as a Pavilion Steward at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Jack has been a Governor at various schools intermittently since 1970.
Our parents who have older children will also remember Jack’s wife, Mrs Hylton, who was a teacher of music at Crownfield.



Anne Hathaway

My name is Anne and I am Deputy Head, SENCO and safeguarding lead at a primary school in Dagenham. I have a grown up son and 2 stepchildren and live in Collier Row. As a former pupil at Crownfield Infant school with fond memories of school, it was easy to choose which school my 4 year old son went to when I moved back to Collier Row. I initially joined the governing body as a parent governor, and when my term of office ended I was fortunate to be offered another position on the governing body. I have now been a governor for over 17 years and I am proud to still be involved with such a fantastic school that has the school community at the heart of everything it does.

When I am not at work, I like to spend my free time paddle boarding, fishing or reading. I have a passion for supporting pupils with additional needs and enjoying researching new strategies and theories that I can use to support pupils.


 Gagan Hale

Gagan Hale became a Co-opted member of the Governing Board for Crownfield Infant and Nursery School in July 2022. She will bring her experience of Accounting (Chartered Certified Accountant) and Project Management (Agile PM and Scrum Master) skills to help improve and guide the school. Gagan has lived in the area for the last four years and has two children under the age of 5. She is excited to give back to the local community and help children develop in any way possible.


Jean Cox 

Jean is an ex HeadTeacher & Inclusion Manager.  She lives locally to Crownfield Infant School and has a grown up family. She has also in the past worked in Crownfield Infant & Junior Schools.



Sharon Nacmias



Bonnie Subohan

Bonnie has been teaching for nine years across EYFS and KS2. She is currently studying for a MA in education with the National College of Education. She believes it is vital for a school to build relationships with its local community to work together to provide the best outcomes for our children and future families. She looks forward to working alongside the school governors in our mission to involve, inform and improve our school and community.​


Raksha Patel

Being a parent myself and wanting the best for my child, as do all parents, I decided it was the perfect time to be a parent governor. This would allow me to actively participate in  decision-making and ensure that not only my child but every child has the support they require from the school.  I will be working with the other governors to ensure we have the best and aim to create a healthy environment at school.
A little about me:
I'm a working mother of a lovely boy. I have a background in finance, where I pursued a career but I stepped away after having my son to focus on him. I also run a small photography business too.


Shahina Haque

My name is Shahina and I am a mother to two boys. One of them attends Crownfield Infants, in reception, so I am new to school life. It has been very interesting so far, around lots of learning for me, and supporting him with making that transition from part time nursery to full time school. It has also been great meeting other parents and building a network. I work full time at Saint Francis Hospice, which is close by, I enjoy my role there and the team I work with. 

 My son is enjoying being at school and talks about the many things he is learning but most importantly all his friends at school. As a parent this reassures me greatly, and to know that he is happy is wonderful to see.  

There are a few reasons for putting myself forward for the parent governor role. Mainly wanting to support the school and be the parents voice in the children education and development. I hope that I can add different views and experiences to the board’s discussions and influence positive changes in the children learning. Having my son attend the school, the knowledge and an insight on the school helps. I am also a safeguard lead at my place of work, and this was an area school was looking for, so if I can be of support, I would be bringing this in. 

Looking forward to starting and meeting the other governors, and listening to your views and ideas that could support with discussion and decisions.



Lola Sodeinde

My name is Lola and I’m an English teacher. I’ve taught English for over fifteen years and I am passionate about education, learning and improving outcomes for children.

I had been interested in becoming a school Governor earlier in my career, but didn’t actively pursue it, as I didn’t feel I had the time. Since becoming a parent however (to two young and inspiring girls) my outlook has changed. I now only work part-time, leaving me with plenty of time to pursue outside interests, such as becoming a school Governor.

Becoming a school Governor, to me, means taking an active part in my community and playing a valuable role in society. I have always believed in strengthening and improving education outcomes for children – now more so as a mother. I believe education is the bedrock and foundation of all young children’s lives, and if they make a positive start to learning in their early years, things can only get better from there.

Crownfield Infant School appeals to me, because of its welcoming learning environment. Furthermore, having a two-year-old myself, I am keen to see how policy and decision making for this age group (nursery aged children) affects their learning outcomes. I am also quite keen to see how this initial investment in young children’s education then feeds into their secondary and further education.


Matthew Ford
Matt has recently become a co-opted governor for Crownfield Infant and Nursery School in 2024. Having moved to the local area in 2022, he wanted to take an active part of the community and believes education is a fantastic area in which to do so. Matt's partner is an early years teacher in Havering, so he understands the importance of early years education on the development of children and the impact on the wider community. Matt works in reward consulting so will bring experience in finance and project management fields. 


 Chairs of Committees  




Julie Miller


Gagan Hale

Health & Safety

Gagan Hale

Safeguarding & SEND

Jean Cox