Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Curriculum
  3. Art



At Crownfield Infant School and Nursery we want to build an Art curriculum which develops learning through creative experience and opportunities and informative, engaging Art teaching. We aim to ensure that all children are able to express themselves creatively through Drawing, Painting and 3D Art whilst deepening and refining progressive skills throughout their educational journey. We also aim to create a deep, critical appreciation towards Art and how it can provide positive outlets for emotional and mental wellbeing, as well as understanding the social, historical cultural impacts Art has around the world/. We intend that children will be exposed to a range of iconic artists, as well as lesser known artists, designers and craftspersons to inspire the practice and skill of critical analysis to become a natural reaction to an artwork.


Our children will be delivered a clear, comprehensive and creative scheme of opportunity, experience and teaching in line with the National Curriculum through our specially designed curriculum by the Art Lead. Staff will be supported and guided as to how to teach Art in an inclusive, informed and enthusiastic way through the provision of CPD and comprehensive teaching resources. Teaching and learning will show ongoing progression from EYFS to Year 2 will enable all children to attempt, experiment and refine creative skills from drawing to painting to various forms of sculpture and digital art. We will also implement an artistic Cultural Capital throughout the school through whole school projects, events, displays, participation in outside competitions to celebrate Art in all its forms. Children will be guided and encouraged to think critically about their own artwork, that of their peers and of famous artists, designers and craftspersons to understand the meaning and purpose behind artworks and build links throughout their knowledge base.


Our children will achieve age related expectations in Art at the end of their cohort year. Our children will retain the knowledge and skills that are essential in Art. Staff will be confident in teaching Art, regardless of natural ability and will foster the same attitude within their children; to see Art as an opportunity for creative expression and enjoy the adventure of experimentation and analytic discussion. Our children will grasp the vast effect Art has in all areas of life by connecting to their own culture and history and that of others. Children will be able to develop progressive skills within Art which are applicable to other essential areas of learning and life skill, such as fine motor skills and emotional fluency. Regular assessment and feedback regarding Art work will ensure children are aware of their ability as well as informing teaching staff of gaps in skill acquisition; regular recording of artwork in Art folders, listening to children’s opinions and views of their learning and live marking through verbal feedback and exemplary modelling. Our children will enjoy being creative and savour opportunities to do so; therefore, learning will flourish.

Medium Term Plans

 Nursery Medium Term Planning Art & DT.pdfDownload
 Reception Medium Term Planning Art & DT.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Medium Term Planning Art & DT.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Medium Term Planning Art.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Long Term Plans

 Year 1 Art & DT Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Art & DT Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Art Gallery

 We were very lucky to have an art company 'Art Solutions' visit our school for two days and during this time they taught us how to create exciting 3D collages.

Once children had mastered the basic techniques (making pebbles, sausages and twists) they were able to produce their own creations. 



The main material used was old newspaper, so projects were cost effective and eco-friendly. Other materials used include tissue paper, water, glue and occasionally paint.




When all the individual pieces of work were finished, they were made into several displays, so that pupils, teachers and parents could admire and appreciate all the hard work that all pupils and helpers put in over the two days.


                                                             I am sure you will agree they look FANTASTIC!