Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Parent Info
  2. Safeguarding
  3. Useful Websites

Useful Websites


Keeping under fives safe online (ChildNet) 

Ofcom research in 2016 showed that almost 40% of 3-4 year olds and two thirds of 5-7 year olds go online. We know that children need support in these environments, to get the best out of using the internet, and there are real advantages in making sure that children are supported in their internet use right from the start. ChildNet has prepared a guide for the parents of under-7s to help them think about the issues involved.

Keeping Children Safe Online (for parents) (NSPCC)

The NSPCC have drawn together lots of advice for parents, including Being Share Aware, MineCraft Safety Advice, and how to stay safe using apps. The information can be found here:

NSPCC Positive Parenting Guide

We all know how challenging it can be to balance all the demands of being a parent. All children need boundaries and discipline and this guide helps you develop what works for you and your child.

Positive Parenting Childline.pdf

Parents' Online Safety Helpline (NSPCC)

Parents can also contact the free NSPCC Online Safety Helpline with questions about parental controls or concerns about a social network their children are using on 0808 8005002 

Child Protection

If a child, parent or professional are concerned about a young adult they can use the link below to report it directly to the Child Protection Advisors of the Police.

Internet Safety

The internet, social media and the variety of apps available can be a wonderful, fun and educational resource for your children and the family. As your child grows so will their sophistication levels when using those cyber resources.

Whilst the internet can be an interesting place it also comes with dangers for our children.

Here are some website links to support you and your family in keeping up-to-date and informed on how you can keep your children safe, educated and supported as they navigate this new and exciting technological age.

Family Services

Children's essential social, emotional and life skills are developed when they are babies and young children. Those who have stable, loving, consistent, fun childhoods have a greater chance of developing into healthy teenagers and happier adults, with better job prospects, healthy relationships and improved mental and physical health.

Sometime, as parents, we need information, advice, support or training on issues or circumstances that we had not anticipated nor have knowledge of how to manage them. In situations like this there are many support agencies dedicated to the help and support of families.

Here are some links to reputable agencies and / or websites that can offer information, support or advice on a variety of issues parents often encounter. If you would like to speak to someone in school then feel free to call and ask to speak to the Home / School support worker who will be happy to talk, support or signpost you to someone that can help.