Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

White Hart Lane, Romford, Essex RM7 8JB

+44 (0)1708 741826

Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Parent Info
  2. School Day

School Day

Each morning the children will be greeted by staff at the gate at 8:35 when the children will be allowed into school. 

Daily Timetable

8:35-8:45     Gates open at 8:35 / Drop off between 8:35 - 8:45

8:45-9:00     Registration (Morning bells rings at 8.45, any children arriving after this time are marked as late)

9:00-10:30    Lessons

10:30-10:45  KS1 Playtime

10:45-12:00  Lessons

11:30-13:30  Lunch (please see timetable pdf below for specific lunchtimes for each year group.)

13:00-15:00  Lessons

This equates to 32.5 hours a week.

Parents should ensure that they collect their children promptly at 3:00.  We kindly ask that parents remain behind the yellow line in the playground and stand opposite the area that their child's class is dismissed. 

The school office should be notified as early as possible if there are any special arrangements that need to be made with the collection of your child (i.e. if a parent or carer has been delayed or if somebody different to normal is collecting your child).  Please be aware that teachers are not allowed to release children to adults other than those that have permission to collect them. Every child has a special password for collection, please make sure you have shared this with the relevant people. 

P.E Days


Reception children should come into school in their normal school uniform.  They will then get changed into their P.E kit at school.

Year 1 and Year 2

Please ensure on your child's P.E day that they arrive at school already dressed in their P.E kit.


Class Timetables


 Green Class Timetable.pdfDownload
 Red Class Timetable.pdfDownload
 Yellow Class Timetable.pdfDownload
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