Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Curriculum
  3. Science



At Crownfield Infant School we believe that science is inclusive and fosters curiosity in all children. We want children to experience and observe natural phenomena as well as look more closely at the natural and humanly constructed world around them. Through our science topics we encourage the children to develop their curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions about what they notice, express their opinions and make links with other areas of learning such as Geography and Maths. At Crownfield we aim to teach scientific concepts through the use of first-hand practical experiences, as well as using some appropriate secondary sources, such as books, photographs and videos to support children’s learning. The children have opportunities to develop their understanding of different scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions. These include observing changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, making links as well as grouping and classifying things.



At Crownfield Infant School the science curriculum consists of teaching the scientific areas of learning (e.g. plants, materials and animals). Ensuring progression is evident between Nursery,  YR, Y1 and Y2 through our progression of skills documentation. 

Each topic follows a logical progression of ideas allowing the children to make effective links within an area of science as well as build links between concepts. 

The teaching of science across Crownfield has an underpinning focus on the working scientifically elements of scientific learning; looking to challenge the ideas of children and to encourage development as scientists across KS1.

Many lessons are enquiry based, providing children with authentic experiences, context and relevance for the key idea they have been learning. This allows children to make cross-curricular links and see how science relates to the world around them.

The lessons follow a 4 phase structure to ensure consistency across the school as well as differentiating teaching to support all of our children.

  • Prior knowledge – making sure the children are properly equipped for learning the new concept/idea.
  • Teach – Learning the new concept/idea and seeing it in action (aiming to prove).
  • Apply – Challenging the children to question the idea and use the idea to solve a problem.
  •   Review - What do I know now that I didn't know before.

Our school has a clear focus on the development of speech and language and allowing children to make links and embed key scientific vocabulary. We use working walls, visual prompts and pre-teach some vocabulary to enable children to develop a deeper understanding and apply it in different contexts. This also supports children to make links and develop their speaking and listening skills as well as their writing across the curriculum.



At Crownfield  Infant School we assess children at the end of the unit to ensure a depth of understanding and knowledge of the scientific concept taught. In each lesson the adults will be continually assessing each child’s progress to ensure misconceptions are identified and resolved within the lesson. We conduct Learning walks (including those with governors, Science link subject leader, SLT and external visitors) –do they show evidence of our intent in action? Planning – is it allowing children to gain knowledge and master scientific concepts, does it meet the needs of all learners? Is it following a geographical enquiry approach starting with a hook? Is their evidence that the children are working scientifically and progression across the key stage?

  • Topic Books – is presentation of a high standard and are all children making at least expected progress from their various starting points?
  • Data – is attainment and progress at least in line with National averages, do all groups achieve as well as they should? What provisions are in place to support children who aren’t making progress?
  • Learning environment – is it rich in language to support children’s learning, does it support independence?
  • Class teachers and the SLT conduct half termly pupil progress meetings where performance analysis is linked to triangulated monitoring, measuring performance against individual and school targets.


 Medium Term Plans

 Nursery Medium Term Planning Science.pdfDownload
 Reception Medium Term Planning Science.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Medium Term Planning Science.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Medium Term Planning.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Long Term Plans

 Nursery Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Reception Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4