Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Curriculum
  3. R.E




      Children learn about many of the faiths in our multi cultural society.  Children therefore develop an understanding and respect of religions and beliefs.

     RE learning at Crownfield develops pupil curiosity and understanding about a wide range of religions and beliefs through interactive, sensory experience led learning. Through RE learning pupil's spiritual, moral, cultural and social development will be enhanced.

     RE in EYFS covers Christianity, other religions according to festivals and celebrations in each term, and other events that reflect our multi cultural society.

     In KS1 RE follows the Units of the Havering and Redbridge agreed syllabus; please see RE Long Term, Medium Term and Short Term Plans.

Each year group has developed a specific list of Progression Skills that they aim to develop throughout the academic year, these documents provide a clear starting and end point.


Children have one RE lesson a week.  In EYFS this is discussion/resource based followed on by a group activity, or a free choice table activity.  In KS1 the children will have a dedicated lesson which involves discussion, both whole class and group activities, as well as visits and invited speakers. Throughout their time at Crownfield the children visit their local synagogue, mosque, church as well as other visits such as to Westminster Abbey.  A minister from one of our local churches regularly visits the school for classroom activities and assemblies as well as other faith leaders and parents.  The quality of teaching and assessment is monitored through ongoing collaboration between the staff and subject leader, as well as lesson observations, assessment, book looks, discussions with pupils and feedback from training.  The subject leader has initially devised each RE lesson, with a view to evaluating and modifying these with each year group as an ongoing evaluating process.


By the end of KS1 each child will have experienced aspects of many faiths including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism.  Having this prior knowledge will aide their learning journey in RE as they move into KS2 and 3.  It will also have achieved the intent that they have developed their understanding and respect of different religions and beliefs. Each child will have had the opportunity to reflect on different ways of life and how one should treat themselves and others.

Medium Term Plans

 Nursery Medium Term Planning RE.pdfDownload
 Reception RE Medium Term Planning .pdfDownload
 Year 1 RE Medium Term Planning .pdfDownload
 Year 2 RE Medium Term Planning .pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Long Term Plans

 RE Nursery Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 RE Reception Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2